onsdag, augusti 29, 2007

Bought a copy

Yesterday I did a first. I bought a pipe exactly the same as one I had previously.
I have tried to find a good picture on the Internet but to no avail.
I did find some old pictures I had taken with my cell phone cam so you'll have to excuse the quality.

måndag, augusti 20, 2007

Baccy disapointments

Don't know if it is the current weather, my pipe hygiene or body chemistry, but lately, the last three-four weeks I haven't been able to enjoy a good bowl of smoke.
Nothing works.
I have tried a variety of blends from overtly sweet X-mas mixes to heavy Latakia blends such as GLP Abingdon but none seem to please my palate in the long run. First puffs are OK, mid bowl I start to get a strong burning sensation and I haven't been able to finish a bowl in weeks.
Yesterday I had a bit of luck with Balkan Sasieni of which I had ONE bowlful left in my sampler pack, but afterwards my gums were all "cottony" and I had to resort to ice cream to dampen the tingling sensation somewhat.

fredag, augusti 17, 2007

New Tobacco

söndag, augusti 12, 2007

Sauda revisited (En flygtning krydser sit spor)

This year we finally, finally managed to get away to Norway for that fishing trip which used to be an annual event in the 90's until family, work and other grown-up stuff stopped us from going.
The title of this posting allures to the Aksel Sandemose novel which describes the Jante law, which probably could just as well have been written in Sauda... or Trollhättan or any Scandinavian small town for that matter.
Anyway, this will mostly be a photo blog posting, suffice it to say that I got the most and largest fish this time which only goes to tell that lick can change, and hopefully, one gets better at doing something if one persistently keeps on doing it for ten years.
I lost in poker and Yatzy though.