tisdag, mars 07, 2006

Cornucopia or DogTurd

Got some inspiration this weekend and finished of the B-block by creating a pipe which is inspired by nature's geometry and the myths around Cornucopia (the horn of the goat that suckled Zeus, which broke off and became filled with fruit).

I started out by sawing of all the obviously extruding edges, and then i drilled the smoking chamber just to get some center of the pipe. It was really, really difficult to align the draft hole with the center bottom of the chamber and I did it freehand.
Sure enough it is a bit squinted but at least it is located inside the bottom of the bowl...

Spent most of the weekend drilling, filing and sanding away on the pipe much to K:s dismay. Posed on its raw craggy collar in a certain angle it resembles a crouching samurai, or an old lady perhaps...